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The best way to 10x your progress as a trader is to forget making money in the first 2 years
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
If "hard work" was the answer,

Everybody would be a billionaire

When the greatest inventor in history Thomas Edison, couldn't solve a problem

He took a nap and woke up with the solution

To achieve great things, you need great idea's

And great idea's can't be forced.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Mergaiciu finalas baigesi 10 euru nuostoliu, swiatek ne tik kad nesugebejo laimeti per du setus bet ir vos laimejo
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Nu ka prasidejo Romos kvalifikacija, siaip pradeti treidinti nezinant zaideju motyvacijos pradzioje labai sunku, bet gal rasim viena kita kably ir patreidinsim. Sekmes visiems ir grazios dienos !
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT

svarcui tikrai negerai su galva, gal tikrai gerai, kad baigs karjera, nes taip suzaisti seta nedaznas gali. 5:0 ir 30:0 iki 5:5 bet kazkaip sugebejo uzsibaigti 😁 gaila maco nemaciau....
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT

Toks netiketumas sakyciau, Garinas sugebejo kukushkinui pralosti, nors turetu buti favoritas stiprus ir toks buvo is esmes. taigi kartais reitingai atitinka "lygi"
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
How to Overcome Losing Streaks in Trading: A Psychological Perspective

Experiencing a losing streak in trading can be emotionally and psychologically challenging. It's easy to feel disheartened and demotivated, but overcoming these obstacles is essential for long-term success in the financial markets.

1. Understanding the Psychological Impact of Losing Streaks
Emotional Rollercoaster: Losing streaks often trigger a range of emotions, including frustration, fear, and self-doubt. Traders may feel tempted to make impulsive decisions or abandon their strategies altogether in a desperate attempt to recoup losses.
Cognitive Biases: During losing streaks, cognitive biases such as confirmation bias and recency bias can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decision-making. Traders may become fixated on past failures or overly influenced by recent losses, hindering their ability to make objective decisions.

2. Strategies for Overcoming Losing Streaks
Acceptance and Mindfulness: Acceptance is the first step towards overcoming losing streaks. Acknowledge the reality of the situation without judgment or self-criticism. Practice mindfulness techniques to stay present and calm amidst market turbulence.
Analyzing and Learning from Mistakes: Use losing streaks as opportunities for growth and learning. Analyze past trades to identify patterns, mistakes, and areas for improvement. Adopt a growth mindset and view setbacks as valuable lessons rather than failures.
Implementing Risk Management Techniques: Effective risk management is crucial for navigating losing streaks. Set clear stop-loss levels and adhere to them rigorously. Diversify your portfolio and avoid putting all your capital at risk in a single trade. By managing risk effectively, you can mitigate losses and preserve capital during challenging times.

3. Maintaining Emotional Resilience
Cultivating a Positive Mindset: Maintain a positive outlook and focus on the bigger picture. Remind yourself of your long-term goals and achievements, rather than dwelling on temporary setbacks. Visualize success and affirm your ability to overcome challenges with resilience and determination.
Practicing Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during losing streaks. Avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would extend to a friend facing similar challenges. Remember that experiencing losses is a natural part of the trading journey, and it does not define your worth as a trader or individual.

4. Seeking Support and Guidance
Mentors and Peers: Connect with experienced traders who can offer guidance, support, and perspective. Share your experiences and seek advice from mentors and peers who have successfully navigated losing streaks themselves. Surround yourself with a supportive community that understands the challenges of trading and can provide encouragement during difficult times.
Professional Help: If losing streaks are significantly impacting your well-being or trading performance, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. Professional support can provide valuable insights and strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and other psychological challenges associated with trading.

5. Conclusion
Overcoming losing streaks in trading requires a combination of psychological resilience, self-awareness, and effective strategies. By acknowledging and accepting the reality of losing streaks, analyzing mistakes, implementing risk management techniques, maintaining emotional resilience, and seeking support when needed, traders can navigate challenges with confidence and emerge stronger than before.

Orginalas cia>>>
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
1 day is enough to ruin 3-5 years of daily hard work.

That's why risk management is so important.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Labai value S Vincent Ruggeri
imti, dabar, 50 koef
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Iki 1,3 buvo pakile bet sugriuvo vel...
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Trading is not a sprint; it's a marathon.

Pace yourself, stay focused, and you'll eventually reach your financial goals.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
When your trading strategy feels more like a roller coaster ride... Hang on tight and enjoy the thrill of the market!

But remember that's not professional trading.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Risk management is not about avoiding risks altogether but about managing them effectively.

Find your risk tolerance and trade wisely.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Trying to predict the market's next move is like trying to predict the weather in April.

Sometimes, it's sunny, sometimes it rains, and sometimes... it snows!
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
You definitely don't have to trade every day.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Išmokite priimti mažus nuostolius, kad išvengtumėte didelių.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Never open a trade if you fear of the loss or you need to make—want to make—money...
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Siandiena dar nesibaige, bet gali but kad ir baigesi, nes nebeprisesiu prie teniso, bet siaip diena klostesi nekaip, galima sakyti nuejau i maza minusa, na bet svarbiausia laikiausi savo plano
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1607 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT